
  1. Start here
  2. Copy and paste the templates below into your roam/templates page.
  3. Edit the templates to match the habits you're trying to form
  4. Let me know how you get on on Twitter

- RoutineA
    - [[Remember]] — [[♾ Sustenance without subsidisation]].
    - [[Consolidate]]
        - {{[[TODO]]}} [[Portuguese Study]] via [Practice Portuguese](
    - [[Journalling]]
- RoutineB
    - [[Connect]] — Message someone you haven't spoken to in a while
    - [[Create]]
    - [[Consume]]
- RoutineC
    - {{[[TODO]]}} [[Training]] (5km run/strength)
- RoutineD
    - {{[[TODO]]}} [[Reading]]
    - {{[[TODO]]}} [[Meditation]]